Background Info

Steve Kipserem was born in the year 2017 in Nakuru County, Kenya. He is the first child of Phyllis Ndung’s two children. Steve has a brother called Aiden. Steve’s family (Steve, his mother, and his brother) is currently hosted after his parent’s violent divorce.

Steve’s parents met and got into a union in their teenage years. Phyllis (Steve’s mother) grew up in an abusive home. She was therefore very eager to move out of this home, and the only way out was through marriage. This eagerness blinded Phyllis to falling in love with a man who had hidden vices. Steve was born shortly after his parents moved in together. By the time Phillis was giving birth to Steve’s brother (Aiden), she was already fed up with her husband’s behaviours. Steve’s father was a drunkard and a gambling addict. He would get casual jobs but would use all the money to buy illicit alcohol and gambling. When he could not find any job, Steve’s father would gamble away household items which left their one-roomed dilapidated house almost empty. Phyllis tried to reason out with him that the condition is becoming unconducive for their children but she would be beaten up. Phillis decided to take her children (Steve and Aiden) and flee since the violence escalated.

Phillis went back to the abusive parents she had earlier tried to avoid. The parents had not changed at all. They were abusive and unconcerned about her. Upon arrival, they (Phyllis’ parents) treated Phyllis and her young children with great contempt. Occasionally, Steven and Aiden would enjoy their grandmother’s love. However, they (Steve and Aiden) normally live in fear because of their loud grandmother. All their grandmother does is quarrel and order Steven’s mother to get herself a man. If Phyllis does not contribute to buying food and paying bills in the home, her mother would deny them food. Phyllis is currently unable to move from the home because what she makes is only enough for a few basic needs.

We heard of Steve’s case from a neighbour during a field assessment Steven was admitted at EDGEL Academy in 2023. He is a smart young boy.

Steve needs a sponsor.