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Background Info

Elizabeth Wangari was born in Njoro sub-county, Nakuru County. She was born on 17th November 2010. Elizabeth is a child with special needs. She is deaf and cannot speak. She is the last child of James Kimari and Jane Wanjiru. Elizabeth and her family live in Njoro sub-county, Nakuru Kenya.

Elizabeth's parents (James and Jane) have four children. Their first two children are in secondary school. The third born is winding up in the primary school education. The family lives in the rural part of Njoro sub-county. They survive in a double-roomed mud house. Elizabeth's parents (James and Jane) are school dropouts from poor families. They are unable to get any sustainable jobs making it hard for them to take care of the children.

Elizabeth and her siblings rely on the little their parents make. Since they live in a rural area, her parents rarely get any casual jobs as people in rural areas tend to do their manual jobs themselves. Elizabeth’s father got a motorcycle on loan with the hope of starting a motorcycle taxi business. The business could not pick up because the people are comfortable with walking long distances making it hard for Elizabeth’s father to get more than a few customers. Sometimes Elizabeth’s farms and harvests for people for some money. The little James and Jane make is unable to cover half of their basic needs. It is even harder to cater for Elizabeth’s special needs.

Elizabeth can only attend a special school for the deaf. They needed approximately KES 40,000 for Elizabeth to join the special school. Elizabeth’s parents (James and Jane) could not raise even half of this amount. They took Elizabeth to a normal public school. Elizabeth was unable to learn anything in this school and the teachers sent her back home where she stayed for a whole year.

Elizabeth’s parents took Elizabeth to Ngala School for the Deaf in Nakuru. Elizabeth was admitted with only two personal items. Half a bar of soap and a small bottle of body oil. She was not equipped in any way for a boarding school life. The soap and body oil could not last even a week. The teachers were uncomfortable with having Elizabeth around the school. One of the staff at Ngala School for the Deaf overheard Elizabeth’s story. He recommended Elizabeth to EDGeL Mission. We assessed her and her family in Njoro. We started financing her education in Ngala School for the Deaf in 2022.

Elizabeth has found a sponsor thank you.

In aid of EDGeL Mission. To make small Donations.