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Background Info

Sheryl Acheing was born in the year 2015 in Nakuru County, Kenya. She is the third child in a family of five.

Her siblings are Cynthia, Vanvicks, Isaac, and Shanice. Sheryl and her siblings live with their single father (Titus) in the Kwa-Rhonda slums, Nakuru, Kenya.

Sheryl’s father (Titus) and her mother (Everline) are separated. The separation was because Sheryl’s mother was irresponsible and negligent. She (Sheryl’s mother) spent most of her time with a group of neighbourhood women who mislead her. As a result, she despised the poverty situation in her home since Titus (Sheryl’s father) was a casual labourer. She would constantly argue with and look down on Sheryl father and neglect her duties as a mother. Soon after the birth of Sheryl’ younger sister, their mother (Everline) abandoned them.

Since his mother (Everline) and father (Titus) separated, Sheryl’ life became harder. Together with her siblings, they depend on the little their father (Titus) earns. As a casual labourer, Sheryl’s father does not have a stable income. As a result, Sheryl and her siblings do not have basic needs including food, clothing, beddings, and education. The family depended on well-wishers for food and clothing.

EDGeL Mission visited the home and witnessed the dire situation on the family. Sheryl’s case was considered needy hence her admission at Edgel mission in 2020. Sheryl is talented and Dedicated to her education.

Sheryle needs a sponsor.