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Background Info

Christopher Thiong’o (Chris) was born in 2014 in Mwariki sub-location in Nakuru East- Sub County. He is the sixth child of the late Mary Wanja. Chris has HIV and is currently under medication. Currently, Chris and his siblings live alone in Mwariki Slums, Nakuru. Chris’ closest person is his brother Elijah Kirathe.

Mary (Chris’ mother) was a 35-year-old mother of six by the time we were meeting her in 2018. Mary grew up in poverty which left her uneducated. As a teenager, Mary fell in love with Francis and moved in with him in an informal union. During the union, Mary got five children within a short time. The family survived on the little that Francis made.

Chris was born as a result of infidelity. Chris’ mother (Mary) started seeking favours from other men without her husband’s (Francis) awareness. She ended up getting pregnant with and giving birth to Chris alongside contacting HIV/AIDS. After learning of how Mary behaved in his absence, Francis ended up abandoning Mary and all the children.

Chris and his siblings were left under the care of their poor and sickly mother. Mary (Chris’ mother) was overwhelmed with looking after her children as an unemployed and sick woman. As a result, Elijah’s mother developed depression which led her into alcoholism. She even started suffering from opportunistic diseases due to her inconsistency in taking antiretroviral drugs. Chris’ mother stopped caring for him and the other siblings and her whereabouts were sometimes unknown. Chris and his brother Elijah were occasionally abused by their mother’s multiple sex partners. Edgel Mission found Chris and his brother Elijah on the verge of becoming street children.

Elijah was rescued by EDGeL while on the verge of becoming a street boy. He was admitted into EDGeL Mission in January 2019. To Elijah, EDGeL is his primary home. Here he finds hope, comfort, and refuge from his oblivious background. Christopher was admitted to Price of Peace School in January 2019. To Christopher, Prince of Peace School is more than a home. It is where he finds hope, comfort, refuge and protection. Christopher is a very confident and optimistic young boy.

Christopher has found a sponsor thank you..