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Background Info

Daisy Atieno was born in Rhonda on 23rd December 2013. She is the fourth born of Leah Anyango and James Ongalo. Leah and James are 35 and 42 years, respectively. They have been blessed with six children. Leah and James are very uneducated.

They dropped out of school in their early education years. Their approach to life is full of shallow decisions that sometimes affect the children. For instance, Leah and James did not find it important to take their children to school. Leah and James only focus on surviving on a daily basis. They are not keen on any other factors that might affect their children

Daisy and her sisters Millicent and Clevian have been under our support since the year 2018. They had not been taken to school despite being of school-going age. The parents have not understood the importance of education. The children are monitored by EDGel Mission's officials. We ensure that they go to school as required and provide their school lunch and uniform

Leah and James are unemployed. Given their low education level, they are only able to land poorpaying jobs. Leah survives by cleaning other people's houses. Her husband, James gets casual jobs around Nakuru town. Sometimes he works as a security guard. Most of these jobs are unstable. He finds work today but is instructed not to show up the next day. James also finds casual jobs at construction sites.

The two go only get jobs once in a while. Their income is unstable. This leaves the children hungry as they depend on their parent's luck. Daisy Atieno was admitted to Prince of Peace School in 2019 after a field assessment at their home. Daisy is a hardworking student

Daisy needs a sponsor.